Our mission is to be a leader on the market of innovative IT solutions and automatic identification, we want to constantly follow the global achievements in this field and offer them to our clients.
We are an open team with extensive experience in the integration of various IT systems, technical solutions and technologies. We try to work with the highest commitment
and quality because we believe our customers expect it. We try to take up challenges in the areas of new solutions and technologies.
We approach new tasks and challenges with passion.
In terms of cooperation with new employees, we use our own philosophy:
Good team
We focus on a relaxed but professional atmosphere. Everyone knows their roles and tasks to be performed on each day. We help, support, we are open minded.
Nasz zespół składa się z wysokiej klasy specjalistów z dziedziny oprogramowania, baz danych, interfejsów, infrastruktury komunikacyjnej, systemów logistycznych i systemów magazynowych. Testujemy nowe technologie i urządzenia. Budujemy własne systemy.
Naszymi klientami są liderzy w swoich dziedzinach jak Volkswagen, Flextronics, Kuehne+Nagel, ID Logistics, InterCars, 3LP i wielu innych.
Based : Warsaw